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Digital Platforms are a collection of technology capabilities

SNAPDPL™ enables customers to extend their applications to achieve greater User experience at Optimal ROI with content and data that motivates action.

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Preparing for a new global economy

Digitalization of work, Extend enterprise platforms, Rapid delivery of customized user experience and interactions, Intigrate business process, Visualization and automation.

- Digital Transformation    - Digital Twins
- Spatial Visualization       - Cross Device Interaction
- Enterprise Extensible      - Real Time Data Intelligence

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Digital Transformation

RISE Group offers digital transformation application extensions platform to meet enterprise business needs and enable visualization apps driven by content/data packages capable of delivering actionable intelligence.

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How Rise Impacting Industry

Rise specializes in next-gen enterprise solutions based on immersive technologies with optimized integration capabilities to transform, scale and drive performance for an integrated enterprise, while keeping a laser-focus on “user experience!” Our Core values are crucial to motivate and energize our team members to operate globally and deliver consistently.


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Use Cases

Here are some use cases that we have gathered for cross industry use and aligned SNAPDPL™ Application to demonstrate its flexibility for our customers and adopt as they feel necessary to fit with their needs and deliver amazing experiences for their users.

Experiential Learning Management

A Learner wants to engage with their instructor and access knowledge beyond classroom and enhance their knowledge continuously through micro learning processes that extend to self learning, group interaction, individualized practice, gamified assessment with easy access while performing operations with relevant content while all user activity is captured to provide insights to all concerned which was not feasible before.

Open Use Case ⇒

Digital Operations

An Operator in the field of performing work can retire paper and pencil as the ability to easily access content and documents relevant to the activity being performed is now available through micro apps while augmenting reality with visualizations and intelligence that is actionable.

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The ability to communicate across multiple devices where users experience viewing and processing of content and data commensurate with the rendering system while virtualization of access and saving travel costs and operational delays in decision making processes.

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Engagement Experience

The ability to communicate across multiple devices where users experience viewing and processing of content and data commensurate with the rendering system while virtualization of access and saving travel costs and operational delays in decision making processes.

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Team Collaboration

Conference calls, Content Portals and Messaging apps have advanced organizational collaboration with in and across the enterprise that leads to new visualization use cases by mingling documents chimera motors, 3D objects, audio/video in addition sharing camera and desktop feeds that persist round the clock until the owner archives is truly transforming the way immersive technologies are achieving digital transformation and motivating teams to operate virtually saving travel costs and achieve near term interactions.

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Document and Data Room

Data Rooms are very common in many industries for performing compliance reviews, easily access commonly used information, securely organize documents for invited users. This approach allows those documents to be organized and refreshed by user preference with added intelligence and customizable alerts that get the attention of the user based on their persona and profile choices.

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Workforce Safety Training

Utilities recognize safety of the workforce is of utmost significance in its operations and the capability for employees and temporary workers to under go immersive learning that enhances ones motivation to grasp critical subjects that are missed often in a lecture or handout. Micro learning principles and ready to access visual content from anywhere and self learning at your own place and reach instructor when needed are key aspects that motivates all categories of learners to engage and optimizes O&M costs of training.

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Work Order Management

Work Orders are the means by which maintenance and repairs are performed on assets which not only require accurately locating the right equipment, processing activities and todos in the right sequence with the ability to access engineering documents and visual instructions but also having access to remote experts and supervisors to be able to show what the operator sees are some of the essential elements in achieving digital transformation to what has been paper based process.

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Facility Walkthroughs

Orientation of facilities and infrastructure consumes significant time and resources, especially, with power generation plants to ensure office workers as well as plant workers are made familiar with important guidelines which now can be achieved through scanned data that is organized in a manner that can be accessed from various devices securely and navigate with audio / readable instructions in a virtual manner but allow access to limitless number of users to concurrently can eliminate scheduled tours and optimize O&M costs.

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Remote Monitoring and Collaboration

Many substations and facilities may already have special cameras that not only can stream video but also can capture thermal imagery with integration to SCADA systems which have been further enhanced through integration into visualization applications that run on smart devices, wearable devices in addition to traditional computers to enable communication and decision making across operators, supervisors and control rooms augmented with the ability to access intelligent algorithms that can lead to predictive alerts and enhance the collaboration that has never been seen before.

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Complex Equipment Repair Simulations

Offer training in the disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of complex equipment with the ability to view minute details of the components while accessing the content at users convenience, especially, when equipment is not often used limiting the operator to have enough practice or recent experience, whereas, the approach recommended here offers just in time access to the knowledge necessary.

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Tool Tracking and Real Time Monitoring

Industrial facilities involve operators needing to employ tools ranging from what a technician carries in addition to drawing from designated locations which require returning of the items upon completion of work. A visual representation of the tools and prompting the operator to be prompted before completing the work order and leading them to the location of the equipment is a very effective aid in augmenting the technician productivity and safety.

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Inspection Simulation

Complex equipment with many safety procedures require careful inspection and following sequential steps along with audio instructions and other gamification and randomized learning scenarios that lead to ones’ self learning objective is critical in an industry where health risks and worker safety are more important than ever.

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Design Review

Cross Organizational collaboration with direct import of CAD 3D file formats so users can easily teleport, annotate, highlight design issues, and be able to search for items based on meta attributes, journal user input captured through dictation, screen capture, overlay additional information and many other observations that can be made in a cross functional manner outside the CAD software is a significant value added capability highly desired by many in the industry.

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Geological Exploration

Geological exploration information when combined with schematics, real-time well bore information, extraction progress and micro-seismic can produce comprehensive holographic visuals. When the geological and production data is sourced in real-time from existing system, thus eliminating the need for manual data manipulations and viewed by multiple users at the same time, simplifying project planning and reviews.

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Virtual Plant Visits Pre Build

Customers of plants would like to have active involvement in the evolution plant from its inception and having the ability to walkthrough virtually and be able to connect executives with engineers in a visual format in addition collaborative communication from multiple locations can significantly enhance the satisfaction and minimize rework.

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Marine Berth Operations Safety Training

Series of operations involving berth, gangway, deck for an operator are not easy for someone to remember easily by attending the classroom training or reference a document during the actual work performance. Virtual learning with gamified functions allows operator to practice and get motivated through scoring and assessment to achieve the level of proficiency that will allow them to prevent hazardous operations.

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Monitor Oil Well Drilling

Considering the complex operations involved in oil well drilling, constant data capture and visual representation of the information from multiple locations can significantly enhance the decision making process and lead to deployment of predictive algorithms to minimize downtime.

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Shop floor Assembly Training

Machinists and Assembly Operators on the job training trend is increasing compared to detached class room training. The ability to conduct operations such as drilling, riveting etc can be now practiced with simulated virtual learning modules to be followed by actually performing in practice mode with appropriate supervision can enhance the learners knowledge retention and reduce potential rework and improve productivity on the shop floor especially with the new employees.

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Assembly Train Planning

With continued demand to produce new assemblies to match with the varying consumer, shop floors need to be reconfigured and reduce down time. Having 3D scans with overlay of new objects gives the planners conduct visual planning with accurate positioning and determine potential roadblocks to achieve optimal deployment of the new configurations.

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Assembly Order Visualization and Instructions

On a typical shop floor assembly operators, especially, in assemble to order or engineer to order manufacturing scenarios have to review the engineering information, specific work instructions related to the order in process and individual notes in addition to the assembly order activity lists which become a hindrance for inexperienced workforce resulting in defects. Having the ability to visualize all related information in a single view irrespective of the device reduces work stress and improves accuracy due to real time access to information.

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Augmented verification of component

Assembly manufacturing involves multi station progression of sub assemblies that involve quality assurance activities that require human performance and recognition of defects. When there are misses, it result in delays to overall assembly due to stagnation. In such scenarios Augmented intelligent detection based on CAD information can empower the assembler the ability to detect issues at early stage preventing engineering interventions leading to modifications and change request triggers that can cause significant delays.

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Hands free wearable operations in tandem with Tablet

As the technology continues to evolve and battery becomes a limitation for round the clock operations especially in a multi shift environment, having the access to use a wearable complemented with a tablet optimized for different activities significantly offers a solution that fits with current hardware capabilities.

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Ready to Access Virtual Self Learning

With continued workforce retirements and the need for retraining, having access to knowledge, micro learning content, interaction with peer groups, notifications due to engineering changes that require new learning prompt the workforce to have access to self learning that is easy to and contextual to ones job function.

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