Goal and Summary

In industries where radiation is a concern, ensuring the safety of workers is paramount. To mitigate risks, cutting-edge digital solutions are being implemented to track and manage radiation exposure, providing real-time data and visibility.

One such advancement is Augmented Verification of Components—a system designed to ensure both the safety of radiation workers and the accurate performance of tools and equipment in hazardous environments.

Key Features of the Visualization Solution:

Employee Location Tracking, Dose, and Dose Rate Monitoring
The system tracks the current location of each radiation worker in real time, monitoring their radiation exposure (dose) and the rate at which they are exposed. This ensures that no worker exceeds safe exposure limits.

360-Degree View of Radiation Area
A 360-degree visualization of the radiation zone allows for complete situational awareness. Workers and supervisors can monitor the environment from every angle, improving response times and risk mitigation.

Integration with Tele-dosimetry Systems
The solution connects seamlessly with Tele-dosimetry, allowing remote monitoring of radiation levels across the plant. This integration helps centralize data from various locations for better trend analysis and decision-making.

Data Integration: Trend and Survey Data
The system integrates Trend Data and Survey Data to provide comprehensive insights into radiation exposure over time. These datasets help technicians understand radiation patterns, anticipate potential issues, and take preventive actions.

Performing Surveys and Data Capture via Tablet
Radiation surveys can be performed on-site using tablets. The data is captured digitally and recorded in real-time, enabling instant access to critical information. This streamlines the process, eliminating the need for paper-based records and manual data entry.

Tool Tracking and Defect Detection
In high-risk environments, keeping track of tools and equipment is crucial. This system utilizes a digital camera and AI algorithms to detect missing parts or defects in tools, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring operational readiness.

AI-Powered Anomaly Detection
The AI algorithm is also capable of detecting anomalies in real-time, allowing for immediate corrective actions. This can be particularly useful in identifying potential issues before they escalate, such as equipment malfunction or unexpected radiation spikes.

Radiological Historical Trends
The system establishes radiological historical trends by storing all radiation-related data in a Data Historian. By reviewing historical data, radiation protection (RP) technicians can make informed decisions about safety protocols and predict future radiation trends.

Prompt Actions to Minimize Radiation Exposure
With real-time data and historical trends at their fingertips, RP technicians can act swiftly to adjust operations and reduce radiation exposure to workers, ensuring that safety protocols are always up to date.

Enhanced Briefings and Remote Access
This solution provides enhanced briefings with up-to-date data and insights, accessible from anywhere. Managers and technicians can remotely monitor conditions, review trends, and make decisions without needing to be physically present on-site.